Phae: Michael's favorite "look"
Phae: Sunset at Woodward Lake
Phae: Sunset Fishing
Phae: Icky Spider
Phae: The Rhodes Kids
Phae: Lake Gazing
Phae: Fishing
Phae: Michael
Phae: Lillie & Liana with their Aunty Trish
Phae: Lillie & her cousin Brandon
Phae: Lillie had a great time camping
Phae: Good clean fun
Phae: Liana, with not a care
Phae: Brandon giving his cousin Liana rides on the wakeboard
Phae: My nephew Jeffrey
Phae: Jeffrey
Phae: Fishing
Phae: The kids, large and small, play
Phae: Brandon & Jeffrey
Phae: Brandon
Phae: A bird
Phae: Woodward Lake