Phae: Michael
Phae: Tubin'
Phae: Little Man
Phae: Ray
Phae: Tats
Phae: "Hello, says the clam"
Phae: Playing
Phae: The guy who put Pegasus on my back.
Phae: Sunset at Modesto Resevoir
Phae: Looking for poky things to put in the bucket.
Phae: Girls
Phae: Sunset at Modesto Resevoir
Phae: A sheriff copter uses infrared to try and find a drowned teen a few campsites from us
Phae: Here's the sheriff boat on their way out when they got the call that a teen had drowned near our campsite.
Phae: The way it's done.
Phae: Lillie and Little Man play in our tent
Phae: Princess takes a rest in our tent
Phae: Raaaaay
Phae: The kids find a bottle in the water :(
Phae: Liana takes a rest from the sun
Phae: Ray and the Shamburgler!
Phae: Ray
Phae: Shannon
Phae: Lillie thinks the clam is really cute.
Phae: Watching
Phae: Keepin' an eye on the kiddos
Phae: Lillie shows me a clam she caught.
Phae: A feather!
Phae: Ray's toys.
Phae: Horseshoes