ph-stop: Park Avenue Blur
ph-stop: 30 Rock. Stop.
ph-stop: In Case of Emergency
ph-stop: Columbus Circle Globe
ph-stop: Gateway to Central Park
ph-stop: Give Her a Kiss!
ph-stop: Bride Gazing at her Wedding Ring
ph-stop: Rowing in Central Park
ph-stop: Central Park Minstrels
ph-stop: Beautiful Central Park
ph-stop: Central Park West
ph-stop: Manhattan Reflection
ph-stop: Guitar Wall at the Hard Rock in Time Square
ph-stop: Taxi!
ph-stop: Yellow Ghosts
ph-stop: NYPD Blue
ph-stop: Time Square Shift Zoom
ph-stop: Time Square Shift Zoom
ph-stop: Time Square
ph-stop: Time Square Sauna
ph-stop: New York Palace Hotel
ph-stop: New York Palace Hotel
ph-stop: Chrysler Building
ph-stop: Does This Violate the US 2nd Amendment?
ph-stop: Melted Coins from Hiroshima
ph-stop: Austria has Left the Building
ph-stop: UN
ph-stop: UN Globe
ph-stop: Flags of the UN
ph-stop: UN