ph-stop: The Frozen Conestogo River
ph-stop: The Conestogo Buggy Bridge
ph-stop: The Banks of the Conestogo River
ph-stop: Freeze and Thaw in Conestogo
ph-stop: Drip, Drip, Drip
ph-stop: Frost Coating
ph-stop: Dusted Trees
ph-stop: Geese Landing in Winter
ph-stop: Winter Wonderland
ph-stop: Conestogo River Bank
ph-stop: Conestogo Single Lane Bridge
ph-stop: Conestogo Bridge
ph-stop: Crystalised Farm Fencing
ph-stop: Ice Jam on the Grand
ph-stop: Frosted Coating
ph-stop: Ice Jam on the Grand
ph-stop: Ice Jam on the Grand
ph-stop: Trunk and Footprints on the Grand
ph-stop: Vacancy on the Grand
ph-stop: Frosted Forest
ph-stop: Frosted Forest
ph-stop: Frozen Grand
ph-stop: Crystals or Plant?
ph-stop: Frozen Hunsberger Road
ph-stop: Frozen Conestogo Berry
ph-stop: Frozen Conestogo Berry
ph-stop: The Grand River
ph-stop: Icicle Waterdrop Lens