patrick.withers: Look at Lauren's face
patrick.withers: Hillside Lewisburg, PA
patrick.withers: Hillside Lewisburg, PA 2
patrick.withers: I too have a hound dog
patrick.withers: Telechron 1:05
patrick.withers: Westelox Big Ben 1:12
patrick.withers: Light Reflects on 2 and 3
patrick.withers: He did not learn to do this on the internet
patrick.withers: This man uses brawney paper towels
patrick.withers: Purple Kool-Aid Shirt and White-Guy Afro
patrick.withers: Arts Festival Lewisburg, PA
patrick.withers: Arts Festival Lewisburg, PA
patrick.withers: Arts Festival Lewisburg, PA
patrick.withers: Everything Turn Turn Turn
patrick.withers: Everything Turn Turn Turn - Version 2
patrick.withers: The Old Fashioned Way
patrick.withers: Duck Hunt
patrick.withers: A Road that Leads Somewhere
patrick.withers: A light in the tree that illuminates the forest
patrick.withers: Lauren and Me!
patrick.withers: She's cute
patrick.withers: LaurenEye
patrick.withers: When the Stars go Blue
patrick.withers: So Especial
patrick.withers: That sums me up fairly well