Phantom Galleries LA: • Barry Markowitz takes on the "Barcelona Chair"
Phantom Galleries LA: • Barry Markowitz takes on the "Barcelona Chair"
Phantom Galleries LA: RJ Lee His view of track homes "Shelter"
Phantom Galleries LA: • Daniel Lehrer-Graiwer and Travis Frankel …"Terraces". for Archifest II
Phantom Galleries LA: • Daniel Lehrer and Travis Frankel …"Terraces" for Archifest II
Phantom Galleries LA: • Stan Edmonson's "untitled, Shopping Cart"
Phantom Galleries LA: • Rebeca Guerrero’s installation "Living with Art "
Phantom Galleries LA: Tod Lychkoff’s “Shredded”
Phantom Galleries LA: • Tim Quinn's "Universe"
Phantom Galleries LA: • Tim Quinn's "Universe"
Phantom Galleries LA: • Michael Storc "Jewelry Store Diamonds",
Phantom Galleries LA: Ester Petschar "Frida's Closet"