p.gib: Part way up the Cheakamus Canyon Trail.
p.gib: Further along the Cheakamus Canyon Trail
p.gib: I'm a sucker for textures
p.gib: Looking back from the summit
p.gib: Approaching Starvation Lake for a mid post-hike cool-down.
p.gib: The school kids here are wild
p.gib: Onto Joffre–the first lake which requires no effort (beyond acquiring a permit) to get to
p.gib: DSCF0850.jpg
p.gib: DSCF0851.jpg
p.gib: That water though
p.gib: I like how this captures the sun beating down
p.gib: Onward and upward (while looking downward)!
p.gib: I knew this had to be black and white the second I saw the shape of this rock
p.gib: More textures for me
p.gib: DSCF0864.jpg
p.gib: That view though
p.gib: Made it to the second (middle) lake. Even more stunning than the first.
p.gib: I love the four distinct sections and textures
p.gib: Those mountains though
p.gib: Those colours though
p.gib: Glacial water is pretty clear!
p.gib: That reflection though
p.gib: That framing though
p.gib: More textures for me
p.gib: This waterfall at this time of day was sublime (and refreshingly cooling)
p.gib: I couldn't pick a favourite between the two, so you get both
p.gib: The third and final lake
p.gib: Making it to the campsite celebration
p.gib: The view from our campsite. I went in the lake twice. Both dips were very short as it was rather bracing being straight from the glacier. But refreshing nonetheless!
p.gib: It may look very small from the outside, but it is also very small on the inside.