Shawn Collins Photography:
Blue Wing Warbler ( he came for meal worms)
Shawn Collins Photography:
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Shawn Collins Photography:
Chipping Sparrow
Shawn Collins Photography:
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Shawn Collins Photography:
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Shawn Collins Photography:
House Finch
Shawn Collins Photography:
Doc Shot of Immature Eastern Towhee
Shawn Collins Photography:
Blue Wing Warbler ( he came for meal worms)
Shawn Collins Photography:
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Shawn Collins Photography:
Purple Finch
Shawn Collins Photography:
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Shawn Collins Photography:
Purple Finch ( left) and House Finch ( right)
Shawn Collins Photography:
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Shawn Collins Photography:
American Goldfinch
Shawn Collins Photography:
Purple Finch
Shawn Collins Photography:
Purple Finch ( left) and House Finch ( right)
Shawn Collins Photography:
Black Capped Chickadee
Shawn Collins Photography:
Tufted Titmouse
Shawn Collins Photography:
eastern phoebe
Shawn Collins Photography:
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Shawn Collins Photography:
Dark Eyed Junco
Shawn Collins Photography:
Tufted Titmouse
Shawn Collins Photography:
Tufted Titmouse
Shawn Collins Photography:
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Shawn Collins Photography:
Pine Siskin
Shawn Collins Photography:
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Shawn Collins Photography:
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Shawn Collins Photography:
Pine Siskin
Shawn Collins Photography:
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Shawn Collins Photography:
Pine Siskin