Shawn Collins Photography:
Mourning Dove ( left one part Leucistic)
Shawn Collins Photography:
Red Tailed Hawk
Shawn Collins Photography:
Shawn Collins Photography:
Shawn Collins Photography:
Shawn Collins Photography:
White Throated Sparrow
Shawn Collins Photography:
Eastern Towhee
Shawn Collins Photography:
White Throated Sparrow
Shawn Collins Photography:
Black Capped Chickadee/Carolina Chickadee
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
Tundra Swans
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
Northern Shrike ebird Doc photo
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
Snow Geese
Shawn Collins Photography:
American Wigeon and Gadwall
Shawn Collins Photography:
Shawn Collins Photography:
Ring Necked Duck and Am. Wigeon
Shawn Collins Photography:
Shawn Collins Photography:
Tundra Swans
Shawn Collins Photography:
Tundra Swans
Shawn Collins Photography:
Middle Creek
Shawn Collins Photography:
American Black Duck
Shawn Collins Photography:
Northern Shovelers
Shawn Collins Photography:
Hairy Woodpecker