Lenny the Lens: Woodlouse
Lenny the Lens: Pound Coin Unicorn
Lenny the Lens: Perspex Cufflinks
Lenny the Lens: Insects on a daisy
Lenny the Lens: Bluebells
Lenny the Lens: Bluebell
Lenny the Lens: Rip Van Winkle in colour
Lenny the Lens: Tealoaf closeup
Lenny the Lens: Small wheelchair
Lenny the Lens: Torquil's Book close-up
Lenny the Lens: Acrylic ring
Lenny the Lens: Costume ring
Lenny the Lens: Felt cat broach
Lenny the Lens: London 2012 Olympic Pin
Lenny the Lens: Pink rose
Lenny the Lens: Pink rose