PhylB: And finally...
PhylB: more play station chaos
PhylB: And this button?
PhylB: What does this button do?
PhylB: ironing chaos
PhylB: more kitchen chaos
PhylB: kitchen chaos
PhylB: Play station chaos
PhylB: even more play station chaos
PhylB: Léon gardening
PhylB: Léon gardening
PhylB: Real men love to cut down trees!
PhylB: bugger off mum!
PhylB: Léon pulls himself up on the shoe cupboard
PhylB: Léon finds the shoes
PhylB: A manual paper shredder
PhylB: The end of the world.
PhylB: tins are fun!
PhylB: tins are fun!
PhylB: tins are fun!
PhylB: tins are fun!
PhylB: risotto anyone?
PhylB: Rouken glen
PhylB: A day-trip to Largs
PhylB: A day-trip to Largs
PhylB: A day-trip to Largs
PhylB: A day-trip to Largs
PhylB: In the garden
PhylB: In the garden