thepatrick: Ruby, who doesn't quite get that you look through the other end of the toy video camera.
thepatrick: Jarrod
thepatrick: Zoë, playing with a barbie, with Hugh in the background.
thepatrick: Barbie with Charlie
thepatrick: Ruby, who really wants tiramisu, but probably doesn't know about the alcohol.
thepatrick: Zoë, who quite liked the christmas crackers.
thepatrick: Hugh, doing a very Hugh grin.
thepatrick: Jake, doing a very Jake grin.
thepatrick: Desert Time
thepatrick: Christmas Tree!
thepatrick: Hello Barbie
thepatrick: Hello Charlie
thepatrick: 12 crackers? No, just 1 Elijah.
thepatrick: Not so happy about no longer being in the christmas cracker box.
thepatrick: Light up ball pleases young Elijah.
thepatrick: Zoë, nearly ready to leave, saying goodbye.
thepatrick: Elijah, attracted to a candy cane with something on it, as you probably would too if you were a young boy.
thepatrick: Hugh, holding Max.
thepatrick: Max, really proud of his mouse.
thepatrick: Mum, at home
thepatrick: Ralph
thepatrick: Hugh, looking outside
thepatrick: Hugh, posing in the airport
thepatrick: Hugh, not looking quite as odd at the airport