Phil Cervi: SX-70 Unfolded
Phil Cervi: SX-70 Folded
Phil Cervi: Fish I-Robot
Phil Cervi: 2 in 1
Phil Cervi: SNAP SHOTS
Phil Cervi: VP Twin - Bloomed Balco Lens - The Wonder of Woolies
Phil Cervi: Errr…we seem to be out of milk
Phil Cervi: No 819 Debonair Camera takes 16 Pictures in Colour or Black/White on 120 Film
Phil Cervi: Coronet Flashmaster
Phil Cervi: Untitled
Phil Cervi: Untitled
Phil Cervi: Untitled
Phil Cervi: Morning Light
Phil Cervi: Morning Light, Wednesday 14th August 2013, 8:25am. The clock is fast.
Phil Cervi: Souvenirs #1
Phil Cervi: Souvenirs #2
Phil Cervi: Flowers
Phil Cervi: Made in England
Phil Cervi: Narcissus though a Sporti 4
Phil Cervi: Brownie
Phil Cervi: Ilford Sporti 4
Phil Cervi: Narcissus
Phil Cervi: Painted Chair
Phil Cervi: Narcissus
Phil Cervi: Kitchen (after Man Ray)
Phil Cervi: Press
Phil Cervi: and it's only £7.99 and I can play it in the car on the way home. Very loud.
Phil Cervi: I've got this on vinyl, had it of for over 40 years...