pfloke: Sephisa chandra chandra (Eastern Courtier**)
pfloke: Amblypodia anita anita (The Purpe Leaf Blue)
pfloke: Junonia hierta hierta (Yellow Pansy*)
pfloke: Atrophaneura polyeuctes polyeuctes (Common Windmill)
pfloke: Ticherra acte acte (Blue Imperial)
pfloke: Bibasis mahintha (Red-brick Awlet**)
pfloke: Red Lacewing
pfloke: Forest Pierrot (Taraka hamada mendesia)
pfloke: Cyrestis thyodamas thyodamas (Common Map*)
pfloke: Polyura eudamppus eudamippus (Great Nawab*)
pfloke: Udara selma (The Bicolored Hedge Blue ***)
pfloke: Stichophthalma louisa mathilda (Oriental Junglequeen***)
pfloke: Kaniska canacce canace (Blue Admiral)
pfloke: Cethosia biblis biblis (Te Red Lacewing *) and Tabi
pfloke: Udara sp
pfloke: Hestina persimilis persimilis (The Siren***)
pfloke: Cethosia biblis biblis (The Red Lacewing *)
pfloke: Mimathyma chevana chevana (Sailor Emperor***)
pfloke: Parantica sita (Chestnut Tiger)
pfloke: Indian Red Admiral (Vanessa indica indica)
pfloke: Parantica aglea (The Glassy Tiger), Mar 2015, Northern Thailand
pfloke: Graphium agetes agetes (Fourbar Sowrdtail)
pfloke: Euthalia patala (The Grand Duchess), Mar 2015, Thailand
pfloke: Catapaecilma major (Gray Tinsel), Mar 2015, Thailand Tawat's hat was like a magnet to the Tinsel smile emoticon
pfloke: Atrophaneura dasarada (The Great Windmill), Mar 2015, Thailand
pfloke: Parasarpa dudu dudu (The White Commodore),
pfloke: Parasarpa dudu dudu (The White Commodore)
pfloke: Iton Semamora (Common Wight)
pfloke: Matapa sasivarna
pfloke: French Duke