pfloke: Xylocopa caerulea “Blue Carpenter bee”
pfloke: Elegant Bronzeback
pfloke: Frog eggs
pfloke: Owl Moth
pfloke: Painted Bronzeback
pfloke: Tiger Shrimp Caridina cantonensis sp
pfloke: Cotton Bug
pfloke: Green crested lizard( Bronchocela cristatella)
pfloke: Lethe europa malaya (Bamboo Tree Brown)
pfloke: Unknown moth
pfloke: Unknown bug. If you know the ID, let me know
pfloke: Ornate Coraltail (Ceriagrion cerionorubellum)
pfloke: Bug
pfloke: Two
pfloke: Gecko
pfloke: Crimson Sunbird
pfloke: Tiny white mushroom on a fallen tree bark
pfloke: Cute little 'tube flowers'
pfloke: Flower with unusual color combination
pfloke: Brown Shrike
pfloke: Spotted Dove
pfloke: Moth
pfloke: Reflection
pfloke: Squirrel
pfloke: Green Crested Lizard
pfloke: Monitor lizard
pfloke: DIF
pfloke: Smooth-coated otter Lutrogale perspicillata @ Taimpinese River.
pfloke: The Smooth-coated otter having a big laugh after a handsome catch