pfaw: Play Big Shirt
pfaw: Buttons
pfaw: Change or Die
pfaw: Support the Darkness
pfaw: morevaluable
pfaw: PFOX
pfaw: "Ex-Gay" Pamphlets
pfaw: The Abstinence Clearinghouse Booth
pfaw: Stickers
pfaw: "Don't Buy the Lie"
pfaw: Anti-Petting
pfaw: Commandment Bumper Stickers
pfaw: Commandment Board
pfaw: Fred Thompson
pfaw: Unauthorized
pfaw: The Stage
pfaw: Brownback
pfaw: "Freedom From Homosexuality Is Possible"
pfaw: The stage at the 2007 Values Voter Summit
pfaw: A speakers' panel at the 2007 Values Voter Summit
pfaw: James Dobson speaking at the 2007 Values Voter Summit
pfaw: James Dobson speaking at the 2007 Values Voter Summit
pfaw: James Dobson speaking at the 2007 Values Voter Summit
pfaw: The audience at the 2007 Values Voter Summit