PL Gupton: Bozeman Pass
PL Gupton: Departing Livingston
PL Gupton: Livingston Searchlights
PL Gupton: Helpers at Dusk
PL Gupton: Helpers at Dusk
PL Gupton: MRL Vets Unit on Bozeman
PL Gupton: MRL Vets Unit on Bozeman
PL Gupton: MRL at Muir
PL Gupton: Livingston, MT
PL Gupton: Bozeman
PL Gupton: Descending Bozeman
PL Gupton: GP9 on the Main
PL Gupton: Sunrise on Bozeman
PL Gupton: Vets Unit on Bozeman Pass
PL Gupton: Vets Unit on Bozeman Pass
PL Gupton: Bozeman Helpers
PL Gupton: Bozeman Local
PL Gupton: Bozeman Local
PL Gupton: Bozeman Local
PL Gupton: Bozeman Helpers
PL Gupton: Sunrise out of Livingston
PL Gupton: Livingston Helpers
PL Gupton: Livingston Helpers
PL Gupton: Bozeman Helpers
PL Gupton: Helena, MT
PL Gupton: Descending Bozeman
PL Gupton: Montana Sunrise
PL Gupton: Townsend, MT
PL Gupton: Manhattan, MT
PL Gupton: Bozeman Pass