PL Gupton: Evening at Concord
PL Gupton: An Evening at Concord
PL Gupton: High Hood in the Rain
PL Gupton: Fishing for Catfish
PL Gupton: CNJ Heritage on 42G
PL Gupton: CNJ Heritage on 42G
PL Gupton: Pennsy in the Snow
PL Gupton: Down by the river to foam
PL Gupton: Southern Serves the South
PL Gupton: High Hood local
PL Gupton: Going for the Gold
PL Gupton: Willoughby
PL Gupton: 911 on 15T
PL Gupton: NS 911 on 15T
PL Gupton: T69 at Boyd
PL Gupton: Blues Brothers
PL Gupton: Blues Brothers
PL Gupton: High Hood over the Tennessee
PL Gupton: SP Lenoir City
PL Gupton: SP Boyd
PL Gupton: SP Boyd
PL Gupton: High Hood T21
PL Gupton: Geo Train
PL Gupton: Geo Train
PL Gupton: The Brick
PL Gupton: 163 at Boyd
PL Gupton: Safety Train Downtown
PL Gupton: High Hood Arrival
PL Gupton: 165 Leaves Sevier
PL Gupton: Morning on the River