petyr.rahl: 0001-The signature Dave shot
petyr.rahl: 0002-Edward
petyr.rahl: 0004-Probably the most creative one we saw
petyr.rahl: 0003-The 80's called...
petyr.rahl: 0005-Lemme explain
petyr.rahl: 0006-The cats awesome hat
petyr.rahl: 0007-Doreman
petyr.rahl: 0008-Zoot suit riot
petyr.rahl: 0009-Twilight Princess
petyr.rahl: 0010-This explains so much
petyr.rahl: 0011-Who you gonna call
petyr.rahl: 0012-Sailor Moon
petyr.rahl: 0013-Finish Him
petyr.rahl: 0014-Okay that's probably the creepiest
petyr.rahl: 0015-Interesting...
petyr.rahl: 0016-All for one
petyr.rahl: 0017-Together at last
petyr.rahl: 0018-Brining the old school back, oh yea
petyr.rahl: 0019-Hugh seems to be losing his touch
petyr.rahl: 0020-My money is on Cammy
petyr.rahl: 0021-Being snarky here is almost too easy
petyr.rahl: 0022-I like the mix in here
petyr.rahl: 0023-Top Win
petyr.rahl: 0024-I pity the foo
petyr.rahl: 0025-Jabberwocky
petyr.rahl: 0026-He did the laugh a little too well
petyr.rahl: 0027-Guile
petyr.rahl: 0029-He's got a lot of Captain in him