Masashi Sakamoto: The beat of dawn 夜明けの鼓動
Masashi Sakamoto: The beat of dawn 夜明けの鼓動
Masashi Sakamoto: Fantasy On A Rainy Day 雨の日の幻想
Masashi Sakamoto: Intrepid きりり
Masashi Sakamoto: Stare 凝視
Masashi Sakamoto: Autumn 秋
Masashi Sakamoto: Gently 優しく
Masashi Sakamoto: Gently 優しく
Masashi Sakamoto: On alert 警戒中
Masashi Sakamoto: Imposing Presence 堂々と
Masashi Sakamoto: The Last Brightness 最後の輝き
Masashi Sakamoto: Basking In The Sun ひなたぼっこ
Masashi Sakamoto: Blessing Of The Light 恵みの光
Masashi Sakamoto: Memories of Old Days 昔の頃の思い出
Masashi Sakamoto: Power of God 神の力
Masashi Sakamoto: Connection with Heavens 天上との繋がり
Masashi Sakamoto: In the Difficulties 困難の中で
Masashi Sakamoto: Gentle and Tough やさしくたくましく
Masashi Sakamoto: In The Small Cosmos 小さな宇宙の中で
Masashi Sakamoto: Brisk Weather 清々しい一日
Masashi Sakamoto: In The Smell Of The Flowers 花の香りの中で
Masashi Sakamoto: Lovely Eyes
Masashi Sakamoto: With a Smile
Masashi Sakamoto: Happy Morning
Masashi Sakamoto: Welcome to the cosmos world.
Masashi Sakamoto: Welcome to the dreamland!
Masashi Sakamoto: Now,let's go!
Masashi Sakamoto: Reminiscence and Anxiety 追憶と不安
Masashi Sakamoto: See You Tomorrow 明日またね