Masashi Sakamoto: Bloom in Profusion 咲き乱れる
Masashi Sakamoto: Bloom in Profusion 咲き乱れる
Masashi Sakamoto: Bloom in Profusion 咲き乱れる
Masashi Sakamoto: Pleasure of Spring 春の喜び
Masashi Sakamoto: Caress Its Head  なでなで
Masashi Sakamoto: Crazy About You あなたに夢中
Masashi Sakamoto: Good Friends 仲良し
Masashi Sakamoto: Sunset Light 夕焼けライト
Masashi Sakamoto: That's Enough For Today お疲れ様
Masashi Sakamoto: Are you sleepy? I'm energetic.  君眠いの?ぼく元気
Masashi Sakamoto: Are you sleepy? I'm energetic.  君眠いの?ぼく元気
Masashi Sakamoto: It's Delicious おいしい
Masashi Sakamoto: Do you want this? これ欲しいの?
Masashi Sakamoto: Slurp-Slurp チューチュー
Masashi Sakamoto: In Vivid Colors 鮮やかな色の中で
Masashi Sakamoto: I'm working hard. ぼく、がんばってます。
Masashi Sakamoto: Spring Sunlight 春光
Masashi Sakamoto: Each Heart それぞれの思い
Masashi Sakamoto: Munching むしゃむしゃ
Masashi Sakamoto: Dream of Spring 春の夢
Masashi Sakamoto: The Best Day To Collect Nectar 蜜集めにもってこいの日
Masashi Sakamoto: Sweet Melody 甘いメロディー
Masashi Sakamoto: Soft Breezes そよ風
Masashi Sakamoto: Into The Sweet Smell 甘い香りの中へ
Masashi Sakamoto: Shining in The Rain 雨に輝く
Masashi Sakamoto: Confidence as young leaves
Masashi Sakamoto: Friendship
Masashi Sakamoto: Hello from the future
Masashi Sakamoto: End of The Day 一日の終わり