Masashi Sakamoto: In The Snow 雪の中を
Masashi Sakamoto: Fly and Alight  飛ぶ&とまる
Masashi Sakamoto: Gently Lifted Up ふわり
Masashi Sakamoto: Living In Cold Winter 厳冬を生きる
Masashi Sakamoto: High Up In The Sky 空高く
Masashi Sakamoto: At Dusk 夕暮れ時
Masashi Sakamoto: Cold Days 寒い日々
Masashi Sakamoto: I Like Climbing Trees 登るの好き
Masashi Sakamoto: I'm Feeling Fit ぼく元気
Masashi Sakamoto: I Feel Depressed 何か憂欝
Masashi Sakamoto: Scenery Where Streetcars Run 4 市内電車が走る風景4
Masashi Sakamoto: Life With Fishing Boats 4 船のある暮らし4
Masashi Sakamoto: Snowy Day 2 ある雪の日2
Masashi Sakamoto: Good Old Days 4 古き良き日々4
Masashi Sakamoto: Good Old Days 2 古き良き日々2
Masashi Sakamoto: In The Nearby Mountain 2 近くの山で2
Masashi Sakamoto: Bear 耐える
Masashi Sakamoto: I'm still sleepy.
Masashi Sakamoto: Return home
Masashi Sakamoto: Are you happy?
Masashi Sakamoto: Thinking a little
Masashi Sakamoto: Concentration
Masashi Sakamoto: Is there anything delicious?
Masashi Sakamoto: In the dream
Masashi Sakamoto: Chirp chirp!
Masashi Sakamoto: Taste good!
Masashi Sakamoto: Give it to me! No!!!
Masashi Sakamoto: Shivering!
Masashi Sakamoto: Power of Withered Tree