Petr Svarc: Church of St. Donat and Cathedral Campanile in Zadar, Croatia
Petr Svarc: Colourful Facades of Venetian-Style Houses in Picturesque Town of Rovinj in Istria, Croatia
Petr Svarc: Roman Amphitheater Behind House with Shuttered Windows, Pula (Croatia)
Petr Svarc: Oleander Flower in Bloom in Flower-pot, Istria (Croatia)
Petr Svarc: Ancient Roman Amphitheater (Arena) in Pula, Istria (Croatia)
Petr Svarc: Ancient Roman Amphitheater (Arena) in Pula, Istria (Croatia)
Petr Svarc: Old Town of Rab with Bell Towers, Croatia
Petr Svarc: Pine Tree and Church, Croatia