gpetroff: Patrice
gpetroff: On the way out
gpetroff: Leaving Basecamp
gpetroff: By the tent
gpetroff: Piute Canyon
gpetroff: Thomas & Amelia by a waterfall
gpetroff: Tom and Amelia
gpetroff: At the trail head ready to hike
gpetroff: In Camp
gpetroff: P & G high up in the rocks
gpetroff: Lily reading
gpetroff: Making Smores
gpetroff: More Mountain Meadow
gpetroff: Loch Lehmen
gpetroff: Meadow
gpetroff: The Tent
gpetroff: Creeks
gpetroff: Patrcie and Sister Mary
gpetroff: Amelia and Dad
gpetroff: Piute Lake
gpetroff: On the hike
gpetroff: Lily
gpetroff: Kids at Piute Pass
gpetroff: Thomas and Amelia
gpetroff: Lunch at Piute Pass
gpetroff: On the way in
gpetroff: Uncle Alex
gpetroff: Uncle Alex, Lily, Nick and Thomas
gpetroff: Mary & Patrice
gpetroff: BAunt Mary