p e t r i n a: i got a lot of pics of this part because I wasn't helping here.
p e t r i n a: hazmat begins his journey skyward
p e t r i n a: there were two people videotaping the whole thing.
p e t r i n a: kimric wiring the brake lights by the glow of a kerosene lantern
p e t r i n a: everything had to come off the outside and be loaded into the inside.
p e t r i n a: though not crisp, this best represented the feeling of the night
p e t r i n a: joe using a hammer to free a piece of metal - loud
p e t r i n a: kimric emerging from his time below deck
p e t r i n a: sarah and thomas above, flare below
p e t r i n a: debonair flare
p e t r i n a: glorious neverwas haul at the maker faire
p e t r i n a: kimric demoing a steam engine