Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Giant Swallowtail and Alex age 3 1992
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE Kostas with Monarchs AUG 2001
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE Kostas and Monarchs AUG 2001
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Eastern Black Swallowtail SRPA 14 AUG 2007
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE F6 QJ054 female Monarch AUG 2000
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE 8 tagged Monarchs on cosmos SEPT 2000
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE tagged male Monarch on red sunflower AUG 2000
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE F2 Monarch male and female on Stonecrop SEPT 1999
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE F3 Monarch male and female SRPA SEPT 1999
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE F1 Monarch female on giant sunflower SEPT 2000
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE F5 Monarch on thistle AUG 1999
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE F4 Monarch on Purple Asters AUG 2000
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE Monarch on pink cosmos AUG 2000
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE Monarch dwarf female ABB143 et normal fem SRPA 11 AUG 2001
Staring Wolf: DANAIDAE Monarch larva AUG 2007
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Tiger Swallowtail F17 on Grape Hyacinth 23 APR 2001
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Tiger Swallowtail F16 23 APRIL 2001
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Tiger Swallowtail AUG 2000
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and Eastern Black Swallowtail SRPA 29 APR 2003
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Eastern Black Swallowtail AUG 14 2007
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Giant Swallowtail F12 APR 1987
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Giant Swallowtail F13 on Kalanchoe JUN 1992
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Giant Swallowtail Larva on Orange leaf 10 OCT 1986
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Giant Swallowtail Chrysalis AUG 1988
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Spicebush Swallowtail F15 on azalea MAY 2000
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Spicebush Swallowtail F14 MAY 2000
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Spicebush Swallowtail Wolf Creek Narrows SRPA 29 APR 2003
Staring Wolf: PAPILIONIDAE Swallowtail larvae from Athens GREECE 1991
Staring Wolf: NYMPHALIDAE Buckeye FEB 1990
Staring Wolf: NYMPHALIDAE Great Spangled Fritillary JULY 2000