petrichorframes: DSC_1019
petrichorframes: DSC_1020
petrichorframes: DSC_1022
petrichorframes: DSC_1023
petrichorframes: DSC_1024
petrichorframes: Ready for paint!
petrichorframes: Hooray the wheel fits
petrichorframes: Checking Wheel Fit
petrichorframes: Segmented Fork
petrichorframes: Finishing the fork
petrichorframes: 002 - DONE!
petrichorframes: Segmented
petrichorframes: Petrichor & Sprocket Collaboration!
petrichorframes: Petrichor & Sprocket Collaboration!
petrichorframes: Petrichor & Sprocket Collaboration!
petrichorframes: Petrichor & Sprocket Collaboration!
petrichorframes: Petrichor & Sprocket Collaboration!
petrichorframes: Petrichor & Sprocket Collaboration!
petrichorframes: Actual Petrichor Frames