High tide level between bridges. Imagine this with a potential 45ft rise in sea-level within 150 years, or, possibly sooner. Think on our Great Grandchildren's futures while you are driving vehicles etc......... 2022_1108_110031 copy
High tide level between bridges..... Now think on the s.l. being another 45ft higher by 2150-2200CE - Will really be a bit of a change....... 2022_1108_105847 copy
Present day high tide levels viewed from Bridge Street bridge...... Now imagine a 45ft rise in sea-level and storms with it forecast for 2150CE-2200CE - a pressie from commerce and politicians and us to our great grand children..... 2022_1108_112012 c
Imagine that by 2150CE-2200CE going at the rate we are dithering over Global Warming; Sea-level will be upto 45ft higher than is shown in this pic..... P.S. by 2050CE s.l. will be 1ft higher but we are rising about 2.4mm a year..... 2022_1007_100306 copy
High tide level below North Quay quayside..... 2022_1028_125814 copy