petrafjord: Nice 22deg halo around the sun here to let us know winter is coming..... 2023_1005_075059 copy
petrafjord: Unusual multi-streaked CiCuUnd with bifurcation patterning to ENE of area - short lived.... .... 2023_0924_073311 copy
petrafjord: Bifurcation structures in unusual for here undulating streaked CiCuUnd clouds.... 2023_0903_174708 copy
petrafjord: Cumulus lenticularis forming too north in a fresh SW breeze.... about 11 layers in total... most I have seen in some time... 2023_0903_161718 copy
petrafjord: Ain at ae-left hollering: At's fit 'Week' looks lek - lets get tae hell-oot til ae NE.... Teddie wan in ae middle squealing 'move' and ain at richt lookin S preyin' an mumblin 'bless them all'...2023_0814_111213 copy
petrafjord: Massive CuNb showering heavy hail to the NNE of town... 2023_0813_131613 copy
petrafjord: Middle of the night and one super contrail formed....2023CE-610-0303... copy
petrafjord: Hard-frosted over footpath ..... 2022_1217_113818 copy
petrafjord: Looks like a thaw but salt cleared path and still finger-biting cold...... 2022_1217_112938 copy
petrafjord: Thick ice on windscreen..... 2022_1217_103951 copy
petrafjord: Truly iced-up windscreen..... 2022_1217_103943 copy
petrafjord: Freezing spray heading south out off the Bay Buoy..... 2022_1216_125916 copy
petrafjord: Freezing spray heading south across bay off Proudfoot..... 2022_1216_125806 copy
petrafjord: Faint 22deg halo too south..... taken from Cliff-end of High Street..... 2022_1216_115520 copy
petrafjord: Bulbs definitely telling us that the Wx is a bit on the rough and coldish side but easing off a tiny bit from previous few days..... 2022_1214_110205 copy
petrafjord: Spray hanging as a mist in the freezing cold air..... 2022_1212_085436 copy
petrafjord: Dino-toothed Cu over Proudfoot..... 2022_1211_120422 copy
petrafjord: Moon and Jupiter..... 2022_1207_174707 copy
petrafjord: Moon and Jupiter..... 2022_1207_174645 copy
petrafjord: Doggie smoke in a strong south-easterly..... With a background of lovely thin AlSt and windswept CuUnd..... 2022_1112_151321 copy
petrafjord: Cu Cong waterfall-like shower dressing a short rainbow and shadow - out too NE..... 2022_1007_125957 copy
petrafjord: Cu Cong waterfall-like shower dressing short rainbow within - out to the NE..... 2022_1007_125803 copy
petrafjord: Rainbow in the clouds..... 2022_0927_165716 copy
petrafjord: Sunrise with Guard boat Reaper WK.83 in foreground..... 2022_0827_045507 copy
petrafjord: Broadbanded double rainbow..... With yacht Hestia entering bay..... 2022_0819_144642 copy
petrafjord: Broadbanded double rainbow with yacht Hestia arriving in bay ..... 2022_0819_144633 copy
petrafjord: Picture clouds in morning sunrise..... 2022_0805_043058 copy
petrafjord: Picture clouds in morning sunrise..... 2022_0805_042919 copy2
petrafjord: Picture clouds in sunrise..... 2022_0805_042919 copy
petrafjord: Picture clouds in sunrise..... 2022_0805_042607 copy