Petnek: Damselfly - Calopteryx splendens
Petnek: Damselfly - Calopteryx splendens
Petnek: Damselfly - Calopteryx splendens
Petnek: Butterfly - Pieris napi
Petnek: Wasp - Vespula vulgaris
Petnek: Muscari - Muscari armeniacum with bee (Apis mellifera)
Petnek: Evening rush
Petnek: Preparing for departure
Petnek: The sweet plantation
Petnek: Forces capture
Petnek: Unexpected attacker
Petnek: Caterpillar
Petnek: Bumblebee on the flower
Petnek: Bumblebee on the flower
Petnek: Bumblebee at the edge of life
Petnek: Brown nag
Petnek: Waiting tick
Petnek: Cicada on the leaf
Petnek: Bluebottle
Petnek: Endless waiting