petitshoo: Dylan and the Snow Bunny
petitshoo: Checking it out from all angles.
petitshoo: Making sure the Snow Bunny is nice and smooth.
petitshoo: Cutie boy in the snow.
petitshoo: punching hearts
petitshoo: painting
petitshoo: we've been crafty!
petitshoo: checking out his snowbunny
petitshoo: and from a lower angle
petitshoo: helping daddy fill up a bucket with snow
petitshoo: marshmallows!
petitshoo: squish
petitshoo: and fall
petitshoo: carrying a bucket of snow
petitshoo: whoa, that's kinda heavy
petitshoo: not gonna give up!
petitshoo: okay, I want to turn it upside down like daddy does
petitshoo: need a bit of help
petitshoo: time for the sit.....
petitshoo: and squish!
petitshoo: getting lifted up for snowbank sledding
petitshoo: 1 - 2 - 3!
petitshoo: and down he goes
petitshoo: want to do it again!
petitshoo: happy boy