petit hiboux: Sure beats the D train (my first bike commute to work!)
petit hiboux: my favorite part
petit hiboux: I heart Ditmas Park
petit hiboux: Ivy-covered, Borough Park
petit hiboux: Canadian warship, Brooklyn Port Authority #fleetweek #ships
petit hiboux: A lovely day to bike to work! Psych.
petit hiboux: Who says you can't cycle chic?
petit hiboux: My sweet little ride, enjoying the evening air in Prospect Park.
petit hiboux: Swans, you can't go for a ride with me. Sorry.
petit hiboux: bike, boat, bridge
petit hiboux: manahatta
petit hiboux: dana!
petit hiboux: mmmmm
petit hiboux: the castello plan
petit hiboux: grocery commute!
petit hiboux: what.
petit hiboux: fits perfectly!
petit hiboux: waiting for the ferry
petit hiboux: the future
petit hiboux: pier six
petit hiboux: fishing in the early evening
petit hiboux: almost home!
petit hiboux: A nice place for your morning cup of tea
petit hiboux: manhattan bridge
petit hiboux: ominous
petit hiboux: junkyard dog
petit hiboux: rizzo chic
petit hiboux: ain't she a beaut
petit hiboux: gary fisher