Petitedoll: Hello!
Petitedoll: What? Why can't I go to school today?
Petitedoll: Of course that I wasn't going to eat this lollipop before lunch!
Petitedoll: It was him!
Petitedoll: Are you sure this is all for me?
Petitedoll: Look at these tiny pink legos!
Petitedoll: It’s Halloween time! πŸŽƒ
Petitedoll: Halloween stuff
Petitedoll: Help! It's too heavy for me.
Petitedoll: Be careful or I'll cook you too!
Petitedoll: Horror movie night
Petitedoll: Dear Santa, I swear we were good kids this year
Petitedoll: Little reindeer
Petitedoll: What do you mean with "no cherries this time of year"?
Petitedoll: What kind of candy can elephants eat?