Micheal  Peterson: LonelyWindmillSunset
Micheal  Peterson: Rock Falls Barn
Micheal  Peterson: 47 Chevy Fave
Micheal  Peterson: Spring Barn in Nebraska
Micheal  Peterson: CP_Senior_Photos - 24
Micheal  Peterson: HoltCoExcursion-4
Micheal  Peterson: Nebraska Gold
Micheal  Peterson: O'Neill Museum @ Sundown (38/365)
Micheal  Peterson: Windmill Texture
Micheal  Peterson: Cowboy Trail (151/365)
Micheal  Peterson: Abandoned Piano Texture
Micheal  Peterson: Abandoned Schoolhouse Piano v. 2
Micheal  Peterson: KnoxCoExcursion-6
Micheal  Peterson: Road to Nowhere (123/365)
Micheal  Peterson: Venus Store Window in BW
Micheal  Peterson: Broke Down Bel-Air (118/365)
Micheal  Peterson: BW "Dear Edwina"
Micheal  Peterson: No Church Today....
Micheal  Peterson: 53 Ford Customline
Micheal  Peterson: Ford Neon Sign
Micheal  Peterson: Grill Still Shines...
Micheal  Peterson: Safe at Third
Micheal  Peterson: "Country Road, Take Me Home" (93/365)
Micheal  Peterson: "Nebraska, The Good Life"
Micheal  Peterson: Eastern State Penitentiary - Philadelphia, PA
Micheal  Peterson: Eastern State Penitentiary - Philadelphia, PA