petescully: 1, hold pen funny
petescully: 2, i don't drink coffee
petescully: 3, hot weather not my thing
petescully: 4, scared of spiders
petescully: 5, making mixtapes
petescully: 6, i don't remember my own cellphone number
petescully: 7, inter-railing around europe
petescully: 8, library books
petescully: 9, london tourguide
petescully: 10, can't fold clothes
petescully: 11, a band called gonads
petescully: 12, strawberries in denmark
petescully: 13, guitar string dread
petescully: 14, chess
petescully: 15, long train journeys
petescully: 16, i stay up too late
petescully: 17, medieval english
petescully: 18, crayon up nose
petescully: 19, baths
petescully: 20, if you knew ossie
petescully: 21, I do not eat peas
petescully: 22, athletics
petescully: 23, i lie on the floor
petescully: 24, adidas trainers
petescully: 25, british museum
petescully: 26, dog person
petescully: 27, football shirts
petescully: 28, i like autumn
petescully: 29, tv
petescully: 30, drawing