peter.v.b: Nymphalis antiopa
peter.v.b: Black apollo, Parnassius mnemosyne
peter.v.b: Mimas tiliae, Whith Wings
peter.v.b: Damsefly, male. Tytönkorento
peter.v.b: Pine hawk-moth
peter.v.b: Pine Hawk-moth
peter.v.b: Laothoe populi, Poplar Hawk-moth, Poppelikiitäjä
peter.v.b: Migrant Hawker
peter.v.b: What a blue... and still a part of the pupa left
peter.v.b: The clouded apollo
peter.v.b: A very new Pine Hawk-moth (Sphinx pinastri)
peter.v.b: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell, ok, the legs are light brown, not dark brown as polychloros.
peter.v.b: Last july many many of these beautiful eastern migrants came to us and now in spring they are still here. They have survived our winter. Maybe we have got a new butterfly species
peter.v.b: Even snow isn't cold when it's sunny
peter.v.b: Zygaena osterodensis, Saarenmaa, Viro
peter.v.b: Light of last summer
peter.v.b: Scarce Fritillary, Euphydryas maturna
peter.v.b: Celastrina argiolus
peter.v.b: Celastrina argiolus
peter.v.b: It's so BEAUTIFUL
peter.v.b: A Brown Hairstreak on a lily
peter.v.b: A brown beauty
peter.v.b: A Black Hairstreak is cleaning it's "mouth" after a meal...
peter.v.b: The first xanthomelas of this year.
peter.v.b: Scarce fritillary, Euphydryas maturna