petervittrup: Streets of Ciudad Bolïvar
petervittrup: Plaza Bolívar
petervittrup: Casa Jonás
petervittrup: Gas station
petervittrup: On the road
petervittrup: On the road
petervittrup: Lenin an the bird
petervittrup: Night in Las Trinchares
petervittrup: Moving Peter
petervittrup: Peter in Las Trinchares
petervittrup: Evening in Las Trinchares
petervittrup: Las Trinchares
petervittrup: Morning in Las Trinchares
petervittrup: DSC00316
petervittrup: Evening beer in Las Trinchares
petervittrup: Indian village wood
petervittrup: The Caracas couple
petervittrup: Peter and Gregorious
petervittrup: Indian village girls
petervittrup: Football in indian village
petervittrup: Bookshelf in an indian village
petervittrup: Boat with an indian family
petervittrup: Peter on Río Caura
petervittrup: Picture with the locals
petervittrup: From a different angle #1
petervittrup: From a different angle #2
petervittrup: Campamentos