Tintern: Graffiti in atrium of the Villa of the Mysteries
Tintern: Third-style decoration in tablinum
Tintern: Kitchens, Villa of the Mysteries
Tintern: Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii
Tintern: Mysteries frieze
Tintern: Third-style decoration in tablinum
Tintern: Third-style decoration in tablinum
Tintern: Lithostroton floor
Tintern: Peristyle, Villa of the Mysteries
Tintern: Third-style decoration in tablinum
Tintern: Atrium, Villa of the Mysteries
Tintern: Mysteries room
Tintern: Plaster cast of door, Villa of the Mysteries
Tintern: Peristyle, Villa of the Mysteries
Tintern: Plaster cast of door, Villa of the Mysteries
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Tintern: IMG_2410.JPG
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Tintern: IMG_2412.JPG
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Tintern: IMG_2415.JPG