Peter Seelig: The Night Is My Stage - 1.3.2023 - 18.3.2023 - WienArtig Josefgasse 1/2,1080 Wien
Peter Seelig: Good morning says the moon to the sun says the sun sleep well dear moon. A person asks when again?
Peter Seelig: Night Pray for a Golden Future I remember the Golden Times the Golden Past the Golden Sundays
Peter Seelig: A Summernight In Pietrasanta, Piazza Duomo, August 2020
Peter Seelig: Isis and Osiris, the world's destiny game
Peter Seelig: Voyager dans le bleu
Peter Seelig: The Battle To Return Into Life
Peter Seelig: When night found morning the world was right funny oil on canvas , 40x40cm , 2020
Peter Seelig: Un estate a Pietrasanta, 80x100 cm, Olio su tela
Peter Seelig: Lo spazio di una possibile storia senza prima e dopo
Peter Seelig: And again and again the entrance of a woman of the past holding my bleeding heart in her hand
Peter Seelig: mio nipote italiano (oil on canvas , 60x70cm , 2023)
Peter Seelig: E arrivato il piccolo principe azzurro
Peter Seelig: Vita Notturna - acrylic on canvas , 60x70cm , 2023
Peter Seelig: Paesaggio del Cuore - acrylic on canvas , 80x80cm , 2023
Peter Seelig: The Conversation mixedmedia on canvas , 40x40cm , 2023