pizbiz: a blur
pizbiz: study in Mira
pizbiz: hand to mouth
pizbiz: holiday conk out
pizbiz: wigglin around
pizbiz: cute in orange
pizbiz: a little cough
pizbiz: getting a hold of that sock
pizbiz: creatures in organge
pizbiz: rollin around
pizbiz: legs
pizbiz: woah! my sock!!
pizbiz: life is great
pizbiz: diggin it
pizbiz: wahoo!
pizbiz: hey Pico, that you up there?
pizbiz: hi there, my name's Mira
pizbiz: the look
pizbiz: caught a cutie
pizbiz: Mira
pizbiz: Mira
pizbiz: laughin, as usual
pizbiz: relaxed
pizbiz: Mira met cranbery
pizbiz: I'm a full contact girl!
pizbiz: eyes on fire
pizbiz: so she's a little crazed about cranberry
pizbiz: crazy cranberry girl
pizbiz: really happy with cranberry
pizbiz: pleased