lawatt: Barbara up on the plateau
lawatt: catching up…
Constant Favier: Orange algae and chaos
Constant Favier: Sunrise at the Meuse
Constant Favier: Almost colorful dark
Constant Favier: Time to eat just before the sunset
Jenne Barneveld: Treestories
remcoditmar: The Oelerbeek in the Dutch town of Delden
johan wieland: Loofles, herfst 2009
♥Margot♥: Stekel
lawatt: all the loveliness
capreolus: IJsvogel wacht op visje
capreolus: Buizerd
capreolus: Gekraagde roodstaart vrouw
mimbrava: Brown thrasher
lawatt: dynjandisá
Wolfy: Goodbye My Love
Domenica: Hacienda San Jose
lawatt: weird and marvelous fog this morning…
lawatt: attempting to re-start my online watercolor class, with a pear study assignment…
lawatt: friday afternoon, with wildly gusting winds outside
powerfocusfotografie: Green woodpecker
mimbrava: begging fledgling
Jovelphoto: Nollestrand, Vlissingen
rosewithoutathorn84: "I haz pretzel!" Seen in Washington Sq Park, NYC
Don Oppedijk: 20210617-0103-03
lawatt: Fulbrighters unite!
Jacques GUILLE: Les meilleurs ennemis