Peterjthomson: 20mm prime on GF2
Peterjthomson: Lumix 20mm on Panasonic GF2
Peterjthomson: GF2 with 20mm street shooting
Peterjthomson: Street Photography with 20mm Lumix
Peterjthomson: Leica 25mm Micro Four Thirds
Peterjthomson: 25mm Leica on GF2
Peterjthomson: 20mm v 25mm
Peterjthomson: 50mm equivalent on micro four thirds
Peterjthomson: 25mm Leica on Lumix GF2
Peterjthomson: Legacy lens on G3
Peterjthomson: 17mm Olympus on GF2
Peterjthomson: 14mm on GF2
Peterjthomson: Olympus 17mm
Peterjthomson: m.Zuiko 17mm on GF2