Peter Hodge: Machinery from the Progress wreck, Owhiro Bay, Wellington, 25th April 2018
Peter Hodge: Debris from the Progress wreck, Owhiro Bay, Wellington, 25th April 2018
Peter Hodge: Debris, Progress wreck, Owhiro Bay, 25th April 2018
Peter Hodge: Bridge of HMNZS Wellington, Taputeranga Marine Reserve, 7th April 2018
Peter Hodge: Oblique-swimming Triplefins at the wreck of HMNZS Wellington, 7 April 2018
Peter Hodge: Above the bow section of HMNZS Wellington, 7th April 2018
Peter Hodge: Diving at the wreck of the Yung Pen, Owhiro Bay, Wellington south coast, Spring 2017
Peter Hodge: Hiwihiwi and a Scarlet Wrasse beneath the deck of the Yung Pen wreck, 23 September 2017.
Peter Hodge: Diving on the wreck of the SS Yongala, Far North Queensland, July 2017
Peter Hodge: At the Lermontov lodge, Port Gore, August 2018