j.p.yef: stormy day
j.p.yef: colorful painting
j.p.yef: street cafe
j.p.yef: dark springtime
j.p.yef: sunny springtime
j.p.yef: narcissus
j.p.yef: parking deck 5
j.p.yef: summer shadows
j.p.yef: where the birds live...
j.p.yef: number 25
j.p.yef: sleeping sunflower
j.p.yef: red leaves II
j.p.yef: turbulence V
j.p.yef: my balcony squirrel
j.p.yef: roses
j.p.yef: the living death
j.p.yef: The long arms of the tree
j.p.yef: the old staircase
j.p.yef: spiders dance
j.p.yef: smoking girl
j.p.yef: summer night shadows
j.p.yef: street life in New York
j.p.yef: monday morning
j.p.yef: the call
j.p.yef: Houses by the river
j.p.yef: elefants in Kenia
j.p.yef: Flowers in front of the house (II)
j.p.yef: Market in Melaka
j.p.yef: Flowers in front of the house
j.p.yef: naked trees