Pete Read: jaguar six female along Cuiabá River nr floatel
Pete Read: jaguar six female along Cuiabá River nr floatel
Pete Read: giant anteater with baby going to Pousada Aguapé
Pete Read: maned wolf at evening wolf watch at monastery at Caraça park
Pete Read: blue-and-yellow macaw in pantanal at piuval hotel
Pete Read: jabiru on outing at piuval hotel in pantanal
Pete Read: capybara with cattle tyrant along Cuiabá River
Pete Read: capped heron along pantanal road
Pete Read: green-headed tanager at hotel ypes itatiaia
Pete Read: hyacinth macaw at Pousada Aguapé
Pete Read: yacare caiman on third outing at Pousada Aguapé
Pete Read: jabiru on third outing at Pousada Aguapé
Pete Read: toco toucan at Pousada Aguapé
Pete Read: along the road nr hotel ypes itatiaia
Pete Read: frilled coquette at ypes hotel in itatiaia
Pete Read: flower species on road up to high area in itatiaia
Pete Read: gilt-edged tanager on road down from itatiaia
Pete Read: gilt-edged tanager on road down from itatiaia
Pete Read: golden-chevroned tanager on road down from itatiaia
Pete Read: gilt-edged tanager on road down from itatiaia
Pete Read: gilt-edged tanager on road down from itatiaia
Pete Read: gilt-edged tanager on road down from itatiaia
Pete Read: gilt-edged tanager on road down from itatiaia
Pete Read: brown-crested flycatcher at ypes hotel in itatiaia
Pete Read: double-collared seedeater at ypes hotel in itatiaia
Pete Read: black jacobin at ypes hotel in itatiaia
Pete Read: black jacobin at ypes hotel in itatiaia
Pete Read: black jacobin at ypes hotel in itatiaia
Pete Read: moth at ypes hotel in itatiaia
Pete Read: waterfall on road down from high area in itatiaia