Peter Burnage: 33110 and 5-WES
Peter Burnage: Crompton Pioneer
Peter Burnage: Class 33s in Eastleigh Depot
Peter Burnage: The oldest survivor
Peter Burnage: Class 33 103 'Swordfish'
Peter Burnage: Class 33 002
Peter Burnage: Earl Mountbatten at Ashford
Peter Burnage: Shower time
Peter Burnage: 33001 at Woking
Peter Burnage: 33025 Sultan stands in the old steam shed road at Stewarts lane Depot
Peter Burnage: Leaving Basingstoke
Peter Burnage: 73003 and a 33 at Surbiton
Peter Burnage: 33112 Waterloo
Peter Burnage: Clapham yard. 1985.
Peter Burnage: Route training class 33
Peter Burnage: 33003 and 33210 stand in the scrap line
Peter Burnage: Clapham Cromptons
Peter Burnage: Withdrawn bagpipes
Peter Burnage: 33016 and 33056 both withdrawn at Eastleigh
Peter Burnage: 73123 and a shiny crompton
Peter Burnage: 33117 at Woking.
Peter Burnage: 33049 on the scrap line.
Peter Burnage: A 33 passes Clapham with some Mk1 railtour stock.
Peter Burnage: 33208 stabled at Waterloo
Peter Burnage: 33112 pushes TCs to Waterloo
Peter Burnage: 73 and 33/1 at Waterloo
Peter Burnage: 33056 (withdrawn) with Gatwick express set being pulled through Clapham to Eastleigh.
Peter Burnage: Eastleigh Works open day 1988
Peter Burnage: Class 33 rescues failed 50 at Waterloo
Peter Burnage: 33009 and 50045 at Waterloo