peskynewt: starfish feeding on razorshell
peskynewt: featherstar crinoid
peskynewt: explosion damage to the ship
peskynewt: stern
peskynewt: defiant spider crab
peskynewt: along the bow
peskynewt: The bow
peskynewt: Bow of wreck
peskynewt: wreck exploration
peskynewt: crab eating snail
peskynewt: starfish on the run
peskynewt: common sunstar
peskynewt: bow gun
peskynewt: forward gun
peskynewt: deck timbers
peskynewt: stern depth charge dispatch opening
peskynewt: near the bow
peskynewt: seasquirt colonise the wreck
peskynewt: wreck exploration
peskynewt: decompression stop on HMS Port Napier
peskynewt: hiding in wait
peskynewt: whelk travelling up the stipe of a kelp plant
peskynewt: spawning Henricia starfish
peskynewt: seatoad spider crab on urchin
peskynewt: diver in loch duich
peskynewt: Loch Duich -dogfish & sealoch anemones