Pete Withers:
Melitaea cinxia - Glanville Fritillary
Pete Withers:
Pete Withers - The Two-tailed Pasha or Foxy Emperor (Charaxes jasius)
Pete Withers:
British 2011 #37 The Silver-washed Fritillary - Argynnis paphia
Pete Withers:
British 2011 #38 White Admiral - Limenitis camilla
Pete Withers:
The British Swallowtail Butterfly - Papilio machaon britannicus
Pete Withers:
The British Swallowtail Butterfly - Papilio machaon britannicus - Nectaring on thistle
Pete Withers:
British 2011 #37 The White Admiral Butterfly - Limenitis camilla
Pete Withers:
British 2011 #33 The Silver-studded Blue - Plebejus argus - male
Pete Withers:
British 2011 #31 Large Blue - Maculinea arion
Pete Withers:
The Weaver's Fritillary or Violet Fritillary (Boloria dia)
Pete Withers:
The Queen of Spain Fritillary (Issoria lathonia) is a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae
Pete Withers:
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Boloria selene / Comparison Shot (female left, male right)
Pete Withers:
Camberwell Beauty / Mourning Cloak - Nymphalis antiopa
Pete Withers:
Marsh Fritillary - Euphydryas aurinia
Pete Withers:
Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus
Pete Withers:
Pearl Bordered Fritillary - Boloria selene - Explored May 8th 2011 #4
Pete Withers:
Small Blue - Cupido minimus
Pete Withers:
The Duke of Burgundy - Hamearis lucina Explored
Pete Withers:
Saturniidae - 1643 Emperor Moth - Saturnia pavonia - male
Pete Withers:
Adonis Blue - Polyommatus bellargus - Explored May 4th 2011 #12
Pete Withers:
Chequered Blue - Scolitantides orion
Pete Withers:
The Weaver's Fritillary or Violet Fritillary - Boloria dia
Pete Withers:
The Chequered Blue Butterfly - Scolitantides orion
Pete Withers:
Black-veined White - Aporia crataegi
Pete Withers:
British 2011 #32 The Large Heath Butterfly - Coenonympha tullia - Nymphalidae
Pete Withers:
Marbled Fritillary - Brenthis daphne
Pete Withers:
Emperor Moth caterpillar closeup - Saturnia pavonia
Pete Withers:
British 2011 #33 Black Hairstreak - Satyrium pruni
Pete Withers:
Green Hairstreak - Callophrys rubi
Pete Withers:
Marsh Fritillary - Euphydryas aurinia (basking in the sun)