Peter Bromley: Wani Will on land
Peter Bromley: Svitzer Nanna ready to pull Wani Will of shore
Peter Bromley: 2008-02-24_groundednight
Peter Bromley: Wani Will grounded after hitting Bornholm
Peter Bromley: Wani Will grounded after hitting Bornholm
Peter Bromley: Wani Will grounded after hitting Bornholm
Peter Bromley: Wani Will grounded after hitting Bornholm
Peter Bromley: Wani Will grounded after hitting Bornholm
Peter Bromley: Wani Will grounded after hitting Bornholm
Peter Bromley: Wani Will on the rocks
Peter Bromley: Wani Will Rear
Peter Bromley: Wani Will - Barbados flag
Peter Bromley: Wani Will - Bulb
Peter Bromley: Wani Will - Anchor
Peter Bromley: Wani Will in Rønne Harbour
Peter Bromley: Wani Will Rønne Harbour
Peter Bromley: Wani Will Roenne Harbour 04
Peter Bromley: Wani Will Roenne Harbour 03
Peter Bromley: Wani Will Roenne Harbour 02
Peter Bromley: Mette Miljø
Peter Bromley: Svitzer Nanna
Peter Bromley: Wani Will Roenne Harbour 01
Peter Bromley: Wani Will grounded on the rocky coast of Bornholm
Peter Bromley: 2008-02-25_Wani_Will_on_the_rocks_02
Peter Bromley: Wani Will on TV2 Bornholm
Peter Bromley: Wani Will on TV2 Bornholm
Peter Bromley: 2008-02-25_Wani_Will_on_the_rocks_06
Peter Bromley: 2008-02-25_Wani_Will_on_the_rocks_05
Peter Bromley: 2008-02-25_Wani_Will_on_the_rocks_04
Peter Bromley: 2008-02-25_Wani_Will_TV2_Bornholm_3