Peter.Stokes: Just for fun!
Peter.Stokes: Forecourt fun at Copley, SA.
Peter.Stokes: Rubber creativity at Copley, SA
Peter.Stokes: A garden full of metal toys! Port Germein, SA.
Peter.Stokes: Doors open ready for action!!! Fisherman Bay toilets!!!
Peter.Stokes: One for tall thin people one for short broader people!!!
Peter.Stokes: I think they have an obsession about BEARS at this house in Wallaroo!
Peter.Stokes: The Duuny at 24 Karat Café, Wedderburn, Vic.
Peter.Stokes: I really like this one. Artist: Len Dierickx. In 24 Karat Café, Wedderburn, Vic.
Peter.Stokes: A wall of fun painted during Covid lockdown in 2020 by local Artist Len Dierickx. In 24 Karat Café, Wedderburn, Vic.
Peter.Stokes: Art in the front yard with an early Fargo Truck.